Gifting Like a Pro

Gifting Like a Pro

The tradition of giving your buyers a gift after closing goes back decades, but today’s agents have differing opinions of the best gift ideas. Most agents can agree, however, that gift giving to buyers is an art, and should be approached delicately and sincerely.   Agents agree that when gifting to buyers, there is potential [...]
Remembering the Reasons

Remembering the Reasons

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this month, we should take a moment to remember that we are the industry that helps families into homes. This is a very important job that we should not take lightly. Understandably, with the hustle and bustle of life, sometimes our purpose gets lost or pushed backward; but in the end, [...]

The Red Folder Rule and Other Safety Tips for Agents

From conducting evictions to hosting open houses, real estate agents encounter a wide range of people in a variety of different settings. While the majority of agents have not been victims of a crime while on the job, many have felt uneasy from time to time. Here are a few tips to help you stay [...]