Mortgage Tax Deduction on the List of Renovations in the White House

Mortgage Tax Deduction on the List of Renovations in the White House

For more than a century, tax laws have allowed homeowners to deduct the interest paid on their home from their income taxes. President-elect Donald Trump is looking to change the way this law works. “We’ll cap the mortgage interest, but we’ll allow some deductibility,” Steve Mnuchin, the newly nominated Secretary of Treasury said to CNBC. [...]
Split Decisions in the HFSC

Split Decisions in the HFSC

In June 2016, House Financial Services Committee Chairman, Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), introduced HR 5983, known as the Financial CHOICE Act (Creating Hope and Opportunity for Investors, Consumers, and Entrepreneurs),  which is an alternative to Dodd-Frank Act of 2010. The CHOICE Act sets out to give banks the option for relief from certain regulations if they [...]
Five Star Conference Receives Five Stars

Five Star Conference Receives Five Stars

The 2016 Five Star Conference was referred to as the “best conference yet” by attendees and presenters alike. e Conference was held September 11-13, and featured multiple Labs, networking opportunities, and special events. FORCE Events The FORCE Rally, hosted by Ruben Pena, was an in-depth discussion on agent growth, buying and selling notes, valuation concepts and [...]

The Low Down Payment Loan Comeback

Strict lending requirements and loans with down payments up to 20 percent have shut many potential homebuyers out of the market, but a handful of government programs and a few private options are available for eligible borrowers who can’t quite spare enough cash for a 20 percent down payment. Being able to afford a down [...]