by Robert Wilson | Dec 6, 2016 | Member News
For more than a century, tax laws have allowed homeowners to deduct the interest paid on their home from their income taxes. President-elect Donald Trump is looking to change the way this law works. “We’ll cap the mortgage interest, but we’ll allow some deductibility,” Steve Mnuchin, the newly nominated Secretary of Treasury said to CNBC. [...]
by Robert Wilson | Dec 2, 2016 | Member News
In the years since the housing fallout, it has become difficult to get a home loan due to oversight and regulation on lending banks by government programs and organizations. This has brought new light to an old option- non-bank lending. This option has been around for years, but recent studies show that this lending outlet [...]
by Robert Wilson | Dec 1, 2016 | Member News
The 2016 Single-Family Rental Summit brought together every facet of the mortgage investment realm for three days of unsurpassed SFR learning. Among the companies in attendance were Altisource, ReVest Capital, BlackRock, OwnAmerica, Investability, Renters Warehouse, Rently, and Alacrity Services. Each of the companies had a representative that participated in the discussions about investment tactics, lending [...]
by Robert Wilson | Dec 1, 2016 | Member News
If cash sales are working their way back to their normal level and REO sales have been declining over the past several years, why are REO sales still claiming such a large share of cash sales? Boesel says, “This is simply a normalization of the market.” “Most likely investors are still very active in purchasing [...]
by Robert Wilson | Dec 1, 2016 | Member News
As we celebrate Thanksgiving this month, we should take a moment to remember that we are the industry that helps families into homes. This is a very important job that we should not take lightly. Understandably, with the hustle and bustle of life, sometimes our purpose gets lost or pushed backward; but in the end, [...]
by Robert Wilson | Oct 27, 2016 | Member News
As markets change, real estate agents must adjust to go where the sales are. Agents who merely printed business cards in 2003 typically made a great living, but if they didn’t at least have some interface with REO/HUD listings, chances are they probably didn’t make it through the downturn in the market very well. Similarly, [...]