Over the past year, United States Real Estate Services, Inc. (USRES) has nearly doubled its client base for origination services, with partial thanks going to the services offered by its subsidiary company, RES.NET. Through a recent partnership with Mercury Network, the company now offers a fully integrated system to manage vendor workflow processes in compliance with bank regulations and appraiser requirements. Appraisal orders can now be received, completed, tracked, archived, and delivered directly to URSES’ valuation portal completely via its new cloud-based platform through RES.NET.

Keith Guenther, founder and CEO of USRES and RES.NET, explained, “Our integration with Mercury Network exemplifies our business philosophy, which is rooted in developing strategic partnerships that help our clients embrace and apply technology to improve their businesses and better serve consumers. We will continue to forge relationships and invest in integrations that bring value to our clients and let them focus more on their core objectives, while excelling on compliance. USRES sees it as our responsibility to align with other like-minded organizations to collectively meet the needs of lenders and servicers with technology that is customized, yet flexible enough to accommodate efficient updates as business or regulatory changes arise.”

Along with the recent Mercury partnership, USRES’ RES.NET has also finalized a partnership as an approved appraisal management company (AMC) for Homewood Residential, a subsidiary of Ocwen Financial Corporation. RES.NET will utilize its on-staff liscensed appraisers who audit every order to ensure accuracy.

“We have decided to add USRES as a partner for AMC services,” said Erik Ferguson, senior vice president of Operations for Homeward Residential. “Our review of the company’s record satisfied us that this vendor will be able to meet and exceed performance standards, thus benefiting our customers. We also highly value the access we have to its staff and management team.”

With 24 years in the default industry, USRES has undoubtedly positioned itself to be a power player in the appraisal and valuation sectors.

“The considerable growth we have experienced in the last year is a testament to our focus on providing exemplary service, combined with leading technology,” said Keith Guenther, USRES and subsidiary RES.NET CEO. “We look forward to now counting Homeward Residential among our family of clients, and anticipate a strong future ahead for USRES as an AMC with the capacity to service origination segments”.