Forget Downsizing; We’re Upgrading

Forget Downsizing; We’re Upgrading

Millennials may be starting to step into the housing market, but affluent, active Baby Boomers are ready to upgrade their homes and live out a leisurely retirement. There’s been plenty of focus on the Millennial generation and the housing market—discussion of whether they want to be homeowners, how likely they are to purchase homes, whether [...]
Remembering the Reasons

Remembering the Reasons

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this month, we should take a moment to remember that we are the industry that helps families into homes. This is a very important job that we should not take lightly. Understandably, with the hustle and bustle of life, sometimes our purpose gets lost or pushed backward; but in the end, [...]
The Surviving Realtor

The Surviving Realtor

As markets change, real estate agents must adjust to go where the sales are. Agents who merely printed business cards in 2003 typically made a great living, but if they didn’t at least have some interface with REO/HUD listings, chances are they probably didn’t make it through the downturn in the market very well. Similarly, [...]
Five Star Conference Receives Five Stars

Five Star Conference Receives Five Stars

The 2016 Five Star Conference was referred to as the “best conference yet” by attendees and presenters alike. e Conference was held September 11-13, and featured multiple Labs, networking opportunities, and special events. FORCE Events The FORCE Rally, hosted by Ruben Pena, was an in-depth discussion on agent growth, buying and selling notes, valuation concepts and [...]